By Dr. Tatiana Khrom

Transform Your Skin with  Dual Glowᵀᴹ Treatment

Say goodbye to the dull and sallow complexion, sun-damaged skin, enlarged pores, wrinkles, and acne scars with our signature Dual Glowᵀᴹ treatment.

Our non-ablative lasers work from the bottom to the top of your skin to treat surface and more profound components, giving you the best of both worlds.

Living in Brooklyn can take a toll on your skin, but our Dual Glowᵀᴹ treatment is here to help.

Whether you're dealing with sun damage, pigmentation, or acne scars, our non-ablative signature treatment can help you achieve a radiant and youthful complexion.

Ideal for Brooklynites: Dual Glowᵀᴹ Treatment

We understand your time is precious, so our Dual Glowᵀᴹ treatment comes with minimal to medium downtime.

You may experience redness and swelling for 3-4 days, followed by skin regeneration that lasts up to a week. But the results are worth it!

Minimal Downtime with Dual Glowᵀᴹ Treatment

Our skin experts at  KHROM MEDSPA & WELLNESS  can help you discover which one of our signature treatments, including  Dual Glowᵀᴹ, suits you.

Book a consultation today and take the first step towards achieving your dream skin.

Consult with Our Skin Experts Today