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239 Court Street,
Brooklyn, NY 11201 |
New Patient: 718-521-2912
Existing Patient: 718-408-6100

Khrom Dermatology

2797 Ocean Pkwy.
3rd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11235 |

Khrom Aesthetics

2797 Ocean Pkwy.
2nd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11235 |

How laser hair reduction and removal can build patient confidence by treating unwanted hair

Laser Hair Removal in Brooklyn New York Area

At KHROM MEDSPA & WELLNESS of Brooklyn, New York, our professionals provide a myriad of options for patients seeking medical and cosmetic dermatology solutions for themselves. This includes laser hair removal, an aesthetic treatment designed to target and damage hair follicles to permanently reduce or remove hair on the head, face, or body. If you are considering this treatment, we invite you to continue reading to educate yourself further on this and other solutions available at our office for improving your skin and body!

What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal, sometimes known as laser hair reduction, is a specialized procedure offered at KHROM MEDSPA & WELLNESS. Laser hair removal is a cosmetic treatment that uses focused laser beams to remove hair from different parts of the body. This includes head hair reduction and removal.

How does laser hair reduction and removal treatment work to provide permanent results?

The procedure essentially targets the pigment in the hair’s follicles, which absorbs the laser energy and destroys the hair at its root. This damage inhibits future hair growth, resulting in smooth, hair-free skin. This is a permanent option, as the hair follicle is damaged and can no longer support hair growth in the future, ensuring patients have treatments that last!

What are the main advantages of the laser hair removal treatment?

  • Precision. One of the primary benefits of laser hair removal treatment is its precision. The laser can safely target dark, coarse hairs without damaging surrounding skin, making it ideal for delicate areas like the face or bikini zone.
  • Speed. Laser hair removal is a speedy and efficient method, using multiple pulses of laser light to remove hair in a fraction of a second. This makes it a convenient option for men and women with busy schedules.
  • Effectiveness. Laser hair removal is a highly effective and affordable solution for reducing unwanted hair growth, with most patients seeing significant results after just a few treatments. It can also be performed on all patients of all skin types and has minimal side effects when compared to other methods, including both waxing and shaving.
  • Long-term cost savings. While laser hair removal treatments might seem more expensive, it can save patients money in the long run as they will no longer need to continuously purchase shaving supplies or pay for frequent waxing appointments.
  • Improved confidence. Many patients feel more confident and even more comfortable in their skin after laser hair removal.
New Patient 718-521-2912 | Existing Patient 718-408-6100
Request an Appointment

Schedule time to talk to the team at KHROM MEDSPA & WELLNESS

If you are located in the area of Brooklyn, NY, and want to work with our team to address unwanted hair on the head, face, or body, we invite you to come into our office to learn more about laser hair reduction and removal. The office is located at 239 Court Street and can be reached by telephone by dialing 718-521-2912.

KHROM MEDSPA & WELLNESS helps patients preserve and regain their natural beauty

KHROM MEDSPA & WELLNESS helps patients preserve and regain their natural beauty thorough advanced technology and expert quality treatments.

The team is led by board-certified Dermatologist Dr. Tatiana Khrom who has years of expertise in cosmetic and surgical dermatology. The team consists of qualified medical professionals in the field and expert admin staff to guide patients throughout the process. Connect with Dr. Tatiana Khrom on Linkedin

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